Interview with Claire Zammit Xuereb: Insights on Business, Leadership, and Passion

Ms. Claire Zammit Xuereb, Director of Hospitality and Care at AX Group, is a dynamic individual, both personally and professionally. Having a passion for living life to the fullest, drives her to push her own boundaries and inspire others to do the same. 

The Role of Passion in Business 

Claire emphasises that running a business demands unwavering passion and resilience. “If you don’t feel a great passion to get there, business is not for you” she asserts. Obstacles are merely opportunities in disguise. 

Leadership Philosophy 

Claire believes leadership is both an innate quality and a skill that can be cultivated. For her, effective leadership involves setting a clear vision and guiding others towards it. “Leadership is about resilience, leading by example, and motivating your people,” she explains, adding that leadership requires constant effort and maintaining high standards. 

Innovative Leadership Style 

Rather than relying on external sources for inspiration, Claire prefers to generate ideas from within. She is keenly attuned to market gaps, designing businesses to fill these voids authentically. “I hate copy-paste. A business plan needs to be original, add value, and have a competitive edge,” she says. 

Employee Motivation and Client Relations 

Motivating employees, is challenging but essential. Claire stresses the importance of direct and indirect communication, leading by example, and keeping employees engaged with the company’s future. Regular meetings facilitate this dialogue, allowing employees to align themselves with the company’s growth. 

Claire views client feedback as invaluable, using it to continually improve the business. “Client feedback is the most important thing we can have. It’s how we build for the future,” she notes. 

The Focus on Quality 

Quality is the cornerstone of AX Group’s philosophy. Claire insists that everything the group does must add value and raise the bar, with a focus on long-term success rather than short-term gains. This principle continues to guide the company’s operations. 

Competition and Long-Term Goals 

Claire takes a long-term view when it comes to competition and warns against the pitfalls of short-term thinking, noting that many businesses fail because they enter markets unprepared. “If you can’t see the end goal clearly, it’s not worth pursuing,” she advises. 

The Secret to Success 

For Claire, the key to sustaining a business across generations lies in good governance, planning, and adhering to well-established systems. These principles ensure the business can weather challenges and continue to thrive. 

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs 

Claire admires those with the courage to start their own businesses but cautions that it requires immense sacrifice and resilience. For those who are committed, the rewards are well-worth the effort. She sums up her approach with a vivid metaphor: “If you don’t go through the door, go through the window. And if that doesn’t work, break down the wall.” 

In conclusion, Claire Zammit Xuereb’s insights offer a compelling look at what it takes to succeed in business: passion, resilience, and a commitment to quality and authenticity. 

View the full interview here: